Sitting in front of the Indian Visa centre to get a visa for India I look back to the time that I spent in Nepal.More exactly the weeks after my arrival on the first of September. Focusing on the service that Boundless Himalayas offered me.From the arrival day until the third of September my contact person and guide was available,partly because of bureaucratic matters but I felt that he in service of his company would be there for me whenever I needed some guideness in this for me totally unknown world. My first long journey ,first time out of Europe, first time Asia, first time Nepal, first time ………. Guideness is a special word amnd being a guide is special job. I got what I needed .Not only before our 3 weeks adventure but also during this for me physically and mentally tough hike; two people who told me what to do in any situation with regard to trekking And there was humor,singing,joy,laughing and good drinks ! In other words: it was in all perspectives a real challenge, And I loved it ! So…… this was one experience Two weeks later I left for another walk. The accommodations were more comfortable everyday .I could choose my food from a menu and paths were easy to walk But how glad I was with my guide when altitude illness forced me to make a descision although I already decided to walk the way back he offered an alternative ; maybe after two yesterdays on a lower place we would be able to continue our route after all we nevertheless had plan showed his involvement and professionality .The hike back was exactly the way I wanted : long days in an up tempo. So…….again I had a very good experience. Guideness ; this is not an official word I think , but it has a meaning for me: professionality, expertise, flexibility, friendliness, supportive, empathetic, motivating , sense of perspective, social ,well great job don’t you think ! ! I only express my admiration for the (assistant) guides that supported me during the hikes J …Boundless Himalayas…Thanks ! for your boundless services overall your willingness to advise, to make a suitable itinerary, to let me use the internet at your office etc. And very important too , I appreciate your openness towards me when I talked about some little complaints that I had. Its all good …………Warm greetings……..Hedivig …….from Netherlands
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